NIOS Admission Enquiry
If you are a student fail in board exam of class 10th from CBSE, ICSE board or any other board of education in India. Do not worry at all! As still there is hope for you to save your precious year and appear again in “class 10th board exams” only in the fail subjects. NIOS On Demand Exam for class 10th is a new concept in which students can appear in board exam for class 10th throughout the year when they think that they are preparing well and ready for the exam.
Here, you can pass the selected subjects through NIOS On Demand Exam within 2 months in the same year. Sunny Coaching Centre have expert teaching professionals who will help you to select your subjects and guide you for your NIOS On Demand Admission. We also help you by coaching classes for your exam preparation for NIOS exam and pass with good marks.
Nios admission stream3 – on demand exams
When student getting fail marks in class 10th board exams, even in one or two subjects, the fate of the student gets sealed. students will get a failed certificate and go out of the process of entire school education, once for all. They have to leave their studies in the middle, thus they face a lot of mental troubles. They can neither get respectable employment nor join any university or college for higher education.
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is an autonomous education board under the Ministry of HRD (Human Resource Development), Government of India. NIOS provides an easy method of continuing studies and passing the board exams for class 10th for these students in failed subjects only.
Under the NIOS Stream-3, failed students in class 10th can appear for the exam conducted by NIOS board every month during the year, in the subject they failed in any board of education in any state of India. You also have an option to change any subject which you think is difficult for you to pass and select the easy subjects instead of difficult subjects.
How sunny coaching centre helps these students?
Working for last many years helping the failed students we have experienced educationists, who conduct coaching classes for class 10th students for all subjects. These special coaching classes are conducted every day, in our study centers during the whole year.
You can enroll for NIOS admission with our help. Get the guidance from councilors, for your exams in which you want to appear. Join our best coaching classes in delhi to sharpen your skill, clarify your all doubts in the failed subjects and confidently face the exam of the relevant subject. You will get a pass certificate – no doubt!
Transfer of pass subjects of the previous exam:
If you want to take admission In NIOS On Demand Exam For Class 10th, you shall have another benefit of Transfer of Credit (TOC) in which the subjects you pass in your previous board exam are transfer (maximum of 2 subjects from previous mark sheet) and you have to appear only in fail subjects. Here you can take another advantage of the change of subject that is if you feel that the subject in which you were fail are difficult than you can change your subjects also to the easier one.
Best coaching classes for On Demand Examination:
In Sunny Coaching Centre, you will get the full support of expert teachers from our study centers. All your doubts related to NIOS examination, apprehensions and anxieties are relieved by the teaching methods, with previous question papers, model question papers, guides, and study notes. For all the details of subjects, documents required for age proof, qualification proof, residence proof and the full fee-structure, contact us immediately!
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Required Documents For Admission In NIOS On Demand Exam For Class 10th
For class 10th failed:
- Original class 10th failed mark sheet is required if passed in one or two subjects or original admit card of previous board exam if failed in all subjects
- 4 colored passport size photographs
- AADHAR card of the student, guardian, and parents
- Photocopy of Address proof